you’re invited on a grand adventure 

Hi, I’m Lumalia,  I’ve been on this journey of life that once left me bedridden in many ways to count-  to today more fully alive and joyfully held than even my childhood self knew how to be. I’m here on this journey with you to help you illuminate your light. Feel sparked again- fully alive. Not just on that camping trip where you saw the milky way for the first time and you forgot what it meant to have breath in your lungs, not just after you tasted that decadent chocolate tart swirling in your mouth luxuriating your soul in divinity, but in the mundane in the magic of everyday life.

to touch magic everyday

mountains cut out

Let’s Find Wonderful Again

You’re invited to join me on a grand adventure to rewrite the way you view reality from all the busy to dos to actually living in that same space right in between the mundane finding wonderful again. Together, we’ll help you find the magic in the mundane, making majestic every day. What if your pass to cross the sea of your life to the shore you’ve always admired was one yes away?

Many want to fly, but find themselves drowning more days than touching the sky, knowing the depths of the ocean more than the clouds and I’m here with you having touched both.

I’ve found its smoother to float. Can I show you how?

Over the course of three months I’ll guide you through my individualized process which first establishes safety through my tools as a mediation and yoga teacher. Then  together we’ll build hand-crafted personal experiences which rekindles your passion for life.

emmy standing on sand with a mountain and lake behind her

Let’s Rewrite Reality

How Does It Work?

Say Yes & Schedule Your Free Call with Lumalia

We Co-Create A Three Month Plan

YOu Find Your Glow Again

One Yes


lighting a fire

More Than Instructions

Most wellness resources are instructions to think.

I come hand-in-hand, taking it a step further, to give you experiences to breathe straight into your heart. 

Overthinking is one of the deepest causes of anxiety, and our bodies are dying for delicious meals of curiosity, awe and wonder. I’m here to walk with you to find the experiences that invite you back to play.

What if you said no today?

Your life would be fine.

But is fine good enough for you?

Most of us are supremely bored  with fine. We seek escape through TV, movies, books, social media, and maybe we find some of it, but in the end, is it enough for us?  

But what if you said yes today?

Let’s explore into the glitter of how you were made to shine and  experience a kaleidoscopic of extraordinary feelings that make you feel full every day?

Are you ready?

I can show you how.

This is an experience

There are three ways to join Luminosity

Celebrate Again

If you’re just looking ways to get a relationship with your body again, or step into meditation then this level is perfect for you. You’ll gain access to my growing library of talks, meditations, and yoga classes that help you access more of your inner glow. New classes and live classes are added on the regular.

Monthly $55

Stay as long as you’d like.


*Monthly access to the ever-growing online library of inspirational talks, creative exercises, yoga, meditation classes.

*Free journey map of where to begin by taking self-awareness quiz

*5% off any future retreats, photography experiences or specialty classes

*Affirmation screen savor downloads

*Sliding scales available for those who cannot afford even this monthly rate. Please reach out.


Join me on a 1:1 adventure where we spend three months working together with bi weekly calls that include practices and explorations I’ll practice with you or send you out on to dive into giving permission back to your inner glow. This is the best option for those wanting to see the most joy seep back into their lives as soon as possible.


Three Month Intensive:

1 payment of $666


3 Payments of $222



*bi-weekly calls with Lumalia  for three months with practice, guidance, or explorations for you to go on

*bi-weekly call will include 1:1 meditation or yoga classes to fit your needs

*Access to the Celebrate Again Yoga membership for a full year

*5% off any future retreats, photography experiences or specialty classes

*Affirmation screen savor downloads

Click here for 3 monthly payments of $222

For a grand adventure with your beloved check out my couples connection work and check out my self-awareness quiz



Ready To Find Your Luminosity?

Schedule your free consult call today

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