
Here you’ll find some of my recent writings.  Don’t forget to join my newsletter below to receive updates and special letters that will inspire you to dive deeper too.

Pocket-Sized Hiding Behind Beautiful Metaphors

    I find myself pocket-sizedhiding behind beautiful metaphors.In fact, I make a new living out of it,being a yoga and meditation teacher. She asked me, what is the metaphorI read through a shaking voiceevery cell in me wantingto be witnessed by the Kingof...

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No More Fear

We need to talk about fear tack-ticks. A lot happens outside of our control in our external world. Those in authority over you, for whatever that means to you, specifically want to keep the illusion of power over you. But I’m about to tell you the biggest secret they...

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Watch Me Be Full

Watch Me Be Full

I wake up feeling good  to my flat empty stomach As if being empty is the perfect  sanctuary for my sacred dwelling What if it was nourished  and completely fully instead? What if I told you  that you need to listen better? Not to all the voices around you  but to...

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No More Lies

No More Lies

I must tell my truth. There is no more air in my lungs that will speak any more lies that cost me my oxygen.  One Sunday, I worried she was gone like the King tide of the past winter where the ocean touched the tips of the land’s edge. She wasn’t a tsunami or storm,...

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She is not quite She is loud and fierce She is bold and passionate In everything that she steps into she doesn’t just dip her toes She dives straight into the deep in Ready to drink in fully every ounce of life She knows the preciousness of time  of life that nothing...

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Standing at the edge

Standing at the edge

I’ve been exploring with the limits of my womb. In its held life, it’s created one precious life and in its held the wounds of too many men stealing away pleasure they couldn’t find for themselves before I even knew what pleasure was.  In this precious place, I’ve...

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If it’s burning…

If it’s burning inside you let it have it’s fire Deep inside us often we find these things rattling on and on. They consume or our thoughts, consume or our actions even. Often we hide from them, chase distraction or anything that will quiet them. But what if we...

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Standing in Awe of You

“Babe, I’m just honored to witness you grow and change and become the person you’re becoming.” Fear driven, deeply not wanting to repeat past patterns I came to my husband late at night with my concerns.  I don’t know about you but I have this notoriously bad habit...

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I finally found her eating cake

I finally found her eating cake

Just when I feel like I found her, the one that got locked away in the closet of grief, the one that was buried beneath the one who should have kept me safe, the one that disappeared trying to make the Decade Him not so sad anymore. It took three decades and then some...

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To subscirbe to my writing check out this page here. For more information about my current book find it all here: Blooming Upside Down

More writing from my blog posts and yoga classes