She is not quite

She is loud and fierce

She is bold and passionate

In everything that she steps into she doesn’t just dip her toes

She dives straight into the deep in

Ready to drink in fully every ounce of life

She knows the preciousness of time 

of life that nothing is more urgent

then needing to devour and be devoured

That isn’t sacrificial but a given offering

of the overflow in which she exists

dance with me, darling

we’re touching the stars

to spark the fires

of the light

we all forgot

we had


the embers 

that are faint

we’re calling it depression

and anxiety

because our souls

ache for more than watching

they desire embodying

full fledge

inhalation of the flame

that ignites our souls

My beloved, you are not depressed

you are lost watching

witnessing to much 

instead of living in

the fire of your passions

reignite them

let them burn the depths of you

hunger you from the inside out

let them turn out all the filth you’ve collected

telling you to play small

that you are not enough

you are enough for being here

please don’t ever forget

with every breath is your entire being shouting

Dance, Singe, BE LOUD

Be Heard


Don’t play small anymore

you are not hidden in the molehill

you are the top of the chain

and that which you create

trickles down

don’t spread your fear

spread your abundant love

in the power of your fingertips 

and opposable thumbs

this power to touch with the tongue

and tell your beloveds 

the love of witnessing the greatness

of what it means to be the galaxies

the stars

the flower

and the sun