Will you notice him? Will you notice her? You two are at it like siblings over who got the largest bite. I’m tired of both will you just acknowledge you both have an absolutely vital place. I need you both. I love you both. Can we stop blocking each other?
The masculine and the feminine often feel at odds inside of me. I feel like a referee. Keeping score, keeping tally. Did we get enough pleasure today? Did we get enough done to feel ok?
I want to shout enough to both as if I’m disciplining teenagers arguing over the TV remote.
So instead I want to ask them both. Will you take a moment to notice each other? Really notice. Really appreciate tomorrow, today, right no: how beautiful and vital you absolutely are.
Thank you my darling focused masculine. You really know how to get things done. You hold so much space for us to flow. You’re so good at the structure. Thank you for being so strong. We know you’ve held on to so much. Can you let me have a turn sometimes?
Oh, my beloved, feminine. You are so ravishing, striking, and divine. You flow and dance with so much ease, beauty, and the greatest love. You find wonder even when I’m not ok. Thank you for holding joy for us so much. Thank you for showing up when I feel so down and confused about not being enough. Thank you for helping us feel free and not tethered down. Thank you for the ways you’ve helped us grow when we wrestled too hard with the demons and we just needed to remember our freedom to float. Thank you for finding him our beloved Moon.
Oh my beloved, thank you for trusting me. Thank you for following my whim, following my flow, following my desires. We’ve gotten so far. Can you believe we’ve healed so much? Look at our lives, isn’t this so freaking marvelous?
Yes, it is, do you think we’ll have enough?
Can we trust? Can we trust we’ll be ok? We always are. The energies always show us, deep here in our hearts. We’re ok. We’re ok. My dear look me straight. We are enough. We’re not too much. We’re going to find our way. Please don’t lock me out anymore. Stay with me forever, forever, forever.
Yes my dear, anything you please. I’m here to hold support and do my best to never control again.
I love you.
I love you.